President’s Message | June 2024

President’s Message | June 2024

Dear Fellow Retired Sergeant,

I extend a warm welcome to each of you as summer approaches. It’s a pleasure for us to serve you and embrace the spirit of camaraderie that unites us. The RSA and SBA together are comprised of 13,000 members; this makes us a formidable force. I believe we are one the largest fraternal organizations.

The RSA has been very busy over the past few months. Though our fishing trip in Clearwater Florida on April 3rd, 2024, was cancelled due to high sea swells and high winds, the RSA quickly came up with a Plan B. We decided to invite all those who were planning to attend the fishing trip to a luncheon/get-together, but first we had to find a location that could accommodate us. We are thankful for Ret. Sergeant Donna Nugent who contacted her friend and RSA member, Ret. Sergeant Maureen Murphy. Maureen along with her husband, Ret. Police Officer Joseph Anthony, owns a bar called PJ O’Reilly’s in Clearwater Beach, and they graciously hosted the RSA gathering, which was a huge success.

On April 15th, 2024, the RSA board and members attended a rally in Albany sponsored by the NYC Organization of Public Retirees. Fighting for retirees’ health bills is a crucial endeavor, as it directly impacts the well-being and quality of life of all our members. Please see Legislative Corner on Pg. 8 for details.

On April 17th 2024, we held our general meeting at Nansen Park, Staten Island. The new location boasted plenty of parking, great food, and service. The meeting was well-attended, and the membership listened to many informative guest speakers: Vinny Vallelong (SBA President), Errol Ogman (SBA Health & Welfare Administrator), and Donald Kipp (SBA Health & Welfare Secretary). I am pleased to have the pleasure of working closely with the Frontline team; they are always interested in the welfare of us retirees.

I have been working hard to develop relationships with other fraternal organizations. I was delighted to have had Tim McGinn, President of the Staten Island FOP Lodge 120, in attendance. I want to thank Inspector Mark Wachter, Commanding Officer of the NYPD Health & Wellness Section for presenting at our meeting.

I have been in communication with Inspector Mark Wachter in regard to helping our retired sergeants. They have numerous resources which can be made available to us. Together, we are planning on implementing certain programs and hosting future seminars geared to our membership. Inspector Wachter and his team will be in attendance once again at our June meeting on June 26th, 2024, at 12:00 noon at the NYPD Police Academy.

We are proud to announce on April 27th, 2024, we attend the Ronald McDonald House 5K run and assisted in the day’s events along with the SBA Canteen and other NYPD Units. I ask that you please notify us of any important events that may be of interest to us as an organization.

As we continue to grow and build a strong sense of community, which is invaluable in furthering the goals of our organization, I urge you to continue your involvement and support. I thank you again for the pleasure to serve you. All this is not possible without the support and help from everyone involved.

Please enjoy your summer, enjoy your retirement, and enjoy your families. Stay safe and stay healthy. Hope to see you in June at the Police Academy where it all began.

Robert Cotumaccio Signature

Robert Cotumaccio