Fall is here, I hope that you all enjoyed the beautiful summer. The June General Membership Meeting held at the NYPD Police Academy was a huge success and YES, we have been invited back. I would like to thank Inspector Mark Wachter, Commanding Officer of Heath & Wellness Division for offering the Retired Sergeants Association many useful resources for us retirees. As always, we were joined by the SBA Board; SBA Health & Welfare Secretary Donald Kipp and SBA Fund Administrator Eroll Ogman were on hand to answer our member’s questions. CCWSAFE Self Defense protection providers did a brief presentation on the special offer to the RSA. I was honored to have several past RSA & SBA Board members present at the meeting, Joseph DiGennero, former RSA Vice President, Barney Cohen, former RSA Director, and Jim McCann, former RSA Trustee as well as Jerry Leary, former SBA Health & Welfare Secretary and Pete Baglio, former SBA Retired Representative. Lunch then was served, and a tour was given to our members of the new and improved NYPD Academy. As requested by many members who were not able to attend, we provided a summary of the June meeting via email blast.