President’s Message | September 2024

President’s Message | September 2024

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Dear Fellow Retired Sergeant,

Fall is here, I hope that you all enjoyed the beautiful summer. The June General Membership Meeting held at the NYPD Police Academy was a huge success and YES, we have been invited back. I would like to thank Inspector Mark Wachter, Commanding Officer of Heath & Wellness Division for offering the Retired Sergeants Association many useful resources for us retirees. As always, we were joined by the SBA Board; SBA Health & Welfare Secretary Donald Kipp and SBA Fund Administrator Eroll Ogman were on hand to answer our member’s questions. CCWSAFE Self Defense protection providers did a brief presentation on the special offer to the RSA. I was honored to have several past RSA & SBA Board members present at the meeting, Joseph DiGennero, former RSA Vice President, Barney Cohen, former RSA Director, and Jim McCann, former RSA Trustee as well as Jerry Leary, former SBA Health & Welfare Secretary and Pete Baglio, former SBA Retired Representative. Lunch then was served, and a tour was given to our members of the new and improved NYPD Academy. As requested by many members who were not able to attend, we provided a summary of the June meeting via email blast.

The RSA Board has been very busy over the summer months, we attended the SBA Picnic on June 28th in Staten Island, which was attended by many of our members. On July 15th we had Christmas in July at The Ronald McDonald House, we were joined by the SBA, Police Women’s Endowment Association, Fraternal Order of Police, Lifevac and EJ’s PJs. On July 25th we offered Comprehensive Wellness Physicals, conducted by Baseline Health. It was nice to see our members and their families take advantage of this service. I personally attended along with Jeanette Dice, Director of Health and Wellness where we were able to speak with our members and share some time together.
I’m proud to announce our first RSA travel event, a 4-night Canada Cruise with Royal Caribbean onboard the “Liberty of the Seas”. Please take advantage of our RSA Cruise offer found on Pg. 6. Due to popular demand, our Golf Outing being held on September 23rd is SOLD OUT. However, there is still availability for the luncheon portion of the outing. On September 25th we will hold our September Membership Meeting at The Hartigan House in Bethpage at 6:30PM. It is a more spacious location with ample parking to accommodate or growing membership. I hope to see you all there.

As we start our 2025 Membership campaign, I would like to remind the membership that our dues have remained at $25.00. With rising prices, including the cost of postage, it is making efforts difficult, however, we as a board have worked hard to keep our dues the same. We have implemented many events to help offset our operational costs. Please consider taking advantage of these event offers. We are also asking you to consider paying your dues as soon as possible. We have made available the convenience and opportunity of paying via PayPal. We have redesigned our website to facilitate this process. This will help reduce the cost of maintaining membership.

I can’t tell you how proud I am of being part of this organization. I just want to say “Thank You” to each and every one of you. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Robert Cotumaccio Signature

Robert Cotumaccio